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What is My IPV4 Address?


If you are wondering what is my IPV4 address, there are several ways to find it. The first method is to access a website that provides the information. You can use your favourite search engine to find a list of websites offering this service. These websites are usually easy to use and free.

x.x.x.x is a legitimate IPv4 address

An IPv4 address contains two identifiers, the network address and the host address. The first byte of the IP address specifies the network class, while the other two bytes have decimal values of 0-255. The remainder of the address consists of numbers ranging from one to two hundred fifty-four, and numbers within the range are allocated to different hosts.

IP (version 4) addresses are 32-bit integers expressed in hexadecimal notation, although the more common form is dotted decimal or dotted quad notation. The x in the dotted quad is a value between zero and 255, and so is There are 4.3 billion IPv4 addresses in use today, so the number of unique hosts is limited.

Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is the successor to IPv4. IPv6 has one hundred and eight bits, and the format is identical to IPv4, except for the number of groups. The IPv6 address comprises eight groups of four hexadecimal digits separated by a colon.

However, IPv4 addresses are rapidly running out. The IPv4 address pool is shrinking as the Internet uses less. The IPv4 address pool is predicted to be exhausted by 2021. Thankfully, the Internet community has taken steps to ensure this does not happen.

The internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) has reserved three blocks of IPv4 addresses for private networks. These private addresses are defined by RFC 1918. These IPv4 addresses are valid for local networks, but they are not valid for public networks. It is best not to use such addresses for systems outside your local network.