Instructions for setting up an Exchange server so messages can be sent from within Sage 50 Accounting. Guide to Buy SMTP Server with Bitcoin.
You should know that your actions will allow an unauthenticated Exchange server to deliver emails. If you work for a company that provides IT support, you will likely be aware of this danger; otherwise, you may want to consult with a seasoned IT support or server support professional. If you don’t perform this correctly, it seriously threatens security. Allowing anyone to access your Exchange server this way leaves you vulnerable to spam attacks.
Step 1: Exchange server.
Exchange server settings will be modified to enable anonymous outbound email sending, but only for restricted IP addresses. There is far less potential for mistreatment now.
A new custom receives connector must be created in Microsoft Exchange Management Console as a first step. Launch the Exchange Management Console and navigate to ‘Microsoft Exchange> ‘Server Configuration’ > ‘Hub Transport. Select the ‘New Receive Connector’ option by clicking the corresponding button in the window’s right-hand pane. In the ‘Name’ field, type a name that accurately describes this connector. For example, ‘Sage Accounts’ could be a good name. The ‘Select the intended usage…’ section features a drop-down menu; select ‘Custom’ from this menu.
To access the “Remote Network Settings” page, select “Next” and then “Next” once again.
You can restrict access to only the IP addresses you’ve approved in the Remote Network Settings tab. For example, if Sage 50 Accounts is installed and configured on a terminal server, you must only input that server’s IP address. However, if Sage 50 Accounts is installed locally on a dedicated accounting PC, its IP address must be fixed and added to this table.
Complete the new connector’s installation, then modify it to examine its attributes. First, make sure that, under “Permission Groups,” only “Exchange Servers” is selected. Then, click the ‘Authentication’ button and ensure that only the top entry (Transport Layer Security) and the bottom entry (Externally Secured) are checked. After clicking OK, go to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services and restart the ‘Microsoft Exchange Transport service.
Microsoft Outlook may now be set up to use the Exchange server’s local area network IP address as the outgoing mail server without requiring the user first to enter a username and password. You may test this out by opening an email in either Outlook or Outlook Express on the designated computer (for example, the laptop or server where Sage 50 Accounts is installed).
Step 2: Set Up the Sage Workstation or Server
In this step, we’ll tell Sage to use our new Exchange Server settings.
Select Tools > Options > Email Setup in Sage Report Designer’s menu bar. If you want to use SMTP as your default provider, you can select the SMTP line in the ‘Available Providers’ box and then click the ‘Default Provider’ button. Once the ‘Configure’ tab has loaded, enter the Exchange server’s LAN IP address into the ‘Server Name field. Don’t enable SSL, and keep port 25 as the default.
Type the display name for the email header (for example, Your Company Name – Accounts) and the email address you want the emails sent from (for example, “”). The login details can be adjusted to anything; they don’t need to match any specific criteria. Choose the OK button.
The next step is to configure SMTP for use with every design that will be emailed.
Start by making some changes to a file in Sage Report Designer. To reveal the properties toolbar on the right side of the screen, select ‘View’ from the menu bar and then select ‘Properties.’ To access the… button, locate it below the ‘Email Options’ section by clicking the ‘(Email Options)’ box. To open the email settings window, press the button.
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