Valuable Topics to start new things

How to Explain a Career Pivot


Climbing the corporate ladder no longer guarantees a fulfilling career; many professionals end up in jobs that don’t suit them well.

Change can be daunting yet rewarding. To ensure a successful transition, research and acquire skills in demand.

What is a Career Pivot?

Change in career often entails more than simply switching jobs; whether making adjustments within your existing field or ultimately moving industries can be daunting and requires significant planning. To be successful with any transition, it’s essential that you fully understand yourself, how you operate, and what motivates you – including values, vocations, and interests as a way of determining if a different path may be beneficial to you.

You must identify your core strengths and transferable skills as part of your career pivoting process. Doing this allows you to create an action plan that is easier to implement and more likely to succeed. Furthermore, it is also necessary to identify any knowledge gaps in the new field, which can be filled through online research as well as courses, workshops, or other learning opportunities available to you. Finding professional groups that could aid your transition and networking with members involved may be worthwhile – networking can only strengthen your success!

As you embark on a career transition, remember that your decision was for a purpose and keep this in mind as the catalyst of change. Stay motivated and focus on what matters most rather than becoming discouraged by obstacles. Once you have determined on a new path that you would like to explore, formalize your “why” into a personal brand story that can help explain it to hiring managers during interviews – this way, they know more about why you made such a significant decision than otherwise!

As corporate ladder climbing becomes less of the norm, professionals often make career pivots during their careers. Pivoting allows you to take steps that will bring happiness and satisfaction for years; with guidance and hard work, you can achieve your goal of moving into an entirely different career field.

Why Do I Need a Career Pivot?

Your career trajectory might have reached a plateau, or you have found yourself in an environment which no longer aligns with your personal and professional goals, prompting a sense of change within you. A career pivot is an effective way of initiating this shift without losing momentum or starting from scratch.

An alternative to making an entire career transition is called a career pivot, which involves keeping all the skills and experiences gained while making less drastic shifts to suit your values and desired work. A pivot can make changes easier as experience may carry over into new roles.

Many people change careers due to dissatisfaction, but it’s vital to identify the source of this discontent to find lasting satisfaction. Be it work itself, salary, or your colleagues causing discontentment – knowing which factors have caused you to be unhappy will allow you to make the correct choice when making any major life decisions.

As another common motivation for switching careers is seeking out more challenging or rewarding work, switching can often be seen as an effective solution. While doing this might lead to longer-term gains, you must remain realistic about your abilities and the needs that exist for you in terms of finances and work/life balance. Starting a new profession without adequate training or support could result in fatigue and burnout.

Consider your needs and how a career shift could impact your professional brand when transitioning. Recruiters will want to know why and how you’ve prepared yourself for making this change; therefore, having an engaging personal brand narrative that resonates with hiring managers is vitally important.

If you need a boost to your career or would like more information on identifying and achieving your ideal path, join Career Maven Tiffany Tate’s webinars in the Pearl Cafe of Wake Forest School of Professional Studies – we have partnered with her in providing essential career resources.

What is a Career Pivot for Me?

Many individuals choose to change the direction of their careers for various reasons. Perhaps your work no longer matches up with your values, or you could be bored in an ineffective job; maybe your passion requires different skillsets than what is offered through current employment; whatever the case may be, career pivoting allows you to transition smoothly into new areas without starting from scratch.

An expansive career transformation, such as switching careers altogether, can be much more complex than making adjustments within an established profession. A complete overhaul may take more time and resources than you have available – something not everyone has the time or means for.

Similarly, switching from being an account manager to digital marketing requires learning new skill sets and strategies for selling yourself in your new field of endeavor. Planning out this transition carefully is essential.

Career coaches can be of tremendous assistance here, advising on how to transition smoothly between jobs. They’ll identify your key strengths and show how previous skills translate to new fields – they may even provide informational interviews with professionals in that new profession.

Once you know your desired goal, set SMART goals for yourself, from enrolling in courses via SkillShare to conducting informational interviews; set milestones to ensure that your career pivot is moving in the right direction. Keeping a journal of your progress may also be worthwhile to document your accomplishments.

When planning a career pivot, it is essential to remember that the plan is just that – a plan. Should anything change between now and when your initial pivot was proposed, making changes is perfectly acceptable; and may be even necessary.

What is a Career Pivot for You?

Are You Feeling Stuck at Work or Need Something Different? A Career Pivot Could be Your Solution Whether you feel stuck in your job or are simply looking for change, a career pivot could be just the thing to jump-start a new path that aligns more closely with your values and focuses on existing skills rather than reinventing yourself from scratch. This an innovative way for those wishing to change careers but lacking time or resources for complete reinvention!

Jenny Blake, founder and author of Career Maven and Pivot: The Only Move That Matters Is Your Next One, believes anyone, regardless of age or career stage, can use her “pivot method.” The four-step process entails planting, scanning, piloting, and launching. In the planting phase, she suggests professionals reflect upon their current role while taking note of strengths, interests, passions, and industries of interest that might spark future opportunities and skills they’d be keen to acquire shortly.

As soon as you’re ready to take a risk, it is essential to identify skill gaps. Blake suggests developing these essential abilities by using online resources and virtual skill-building, industry webinars, and joining professional associations in your chosen field. Furthermore, updating your resume and personal brand to reflect this change of direction and highlight transferable abilities could also prove beneficial.

As part of your career pivot, setting realistic expectations regarding the timeframe is essential. The more drastic your change may be, the harder it may be for you to find employment again. Therefore, creating a timeline with SMART goals may help ensure you remain on track.

Career pivoting can be an excellent way to change your work life and enjoy new position perks positively. By understanding the definition and implementation process for career pivots, you can find an optimal work/life balance that suits you perfectly. Wake Forest School of Professional Studies has partnered with Career Maven so SPS students can access valuable career resources.