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How to Tell If It’s a San Pedro Cactus


San Pedro (Echinopsis pachanoi) is an ornamental plant we love for its ability to fit easily into narrow spaces while growing tall–often 10-20 feet or more! Additionally, this sacred Andean species has long been used for religious divination, and its healing and psychedelic properties are caused by mescaline alkaloids found within it. Select the san pedro cactus for sale.


Echinopsis pachanoi is a cactus with sharp spines and areoles, potentially dangerous if mishandled. Their distinctive ribs have furry or fluffy textures. Their spines help protect from herbivores while simultaneously decreasing moisture loss through leaves.

As such, San Pedro cacti are one of the best-suited to our climate: they are highly resistant to rain and can withstand cold temperatures without suffering too badly. Like most cacti, San Pedro needs extra water during summer to thrive properly.

Growing San Pedro cacti from cuttings can be straightforward, provided a sharp knife is used when taking them. Allow the cut surface to dry on paper towels for several days after taking its cutting before placing it into rooting soil – this step creates calluses from which new roots will sprout! Although the entire process can take a few weeks, its results are well worth your while!


San Pedro cacti can reach heights between 10-20 feet, often multi-stemmed and with white spines that help distinguish them from other species of cacti.

San Pedro cacti are easily recognized due to their distinctive areoles – very rounded with light colors that stand out against other cacti with more squared and angular areoles.

This cactus produces large, fragrant white flowers that bloom up to 8 inches across at night. Hummingbirds and moths pollinate these blooms.

San Pedro cacti are easy to grow from seeds. However, like other cacti, San Pedros are best begun using the Takeaway Tek technique: placing a layer of sand or zeolite over your growing medium before adding seeds and misting with water. The coating helps prevent fungal infections while providing insulation against harsher environments for seedling growth; once mature, seedlings can be placed somewhere warm with indirect sunlight for maximum success.


San Pedro (Echinopsis pachanoi) is a fast-growing columnar cactus native to South America commonly used medicinally for its hallucinogenic effects. A relative of Peyote, it shares many psychoactive effects when properly grown; one can even reach 20 feet tall!

One of the easiest ways to identify a San Pedro cactus is by inspecting its ribs. San Pedros have thin and pointed ribs that tend to be white compared to other types.

Blue Myrtle Cacti (Echinopsis mexicana) have thicker and flatter ribs with only one more extended spine than others, plus deeper troughs/pockets between their ribs than their San Pedro counterpart. When growing a San Pedro cactus, keep an eye out for black spots indicating rot; these can often be fixed by trimming away affected areas before giving the affected regions time to callous over and heal themselves naturally.


San Pedro cacti are easily distinguished from others due to their numerous thin, pointed stems which sprout from their areola. Furthermore, their spines are long and narrow – another unique trait of Echinopsis pachanoi plants.

These drought-tolerant cacti are easy to care for and enjoy ample sunlight and well-draining soil. They are the perfect addition for gardeners looking to create an eye-catching desert-style cacti garden.

This cactus can be propagated either via cuttings or seeds. As seedlings, however, they should be shaded from direct sunlight until acclimated to their environment; otherwise, they will become damaged with brown spots, which will be challenging to reverse. It is also important to only water when the top layer of soil dries out completely and make sure light levels remain bright enough to prevent leggy growth, which often occurs in overly dark environments; move your houseplant to more brilliant surroundings or use grow lights if this happens.

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