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How Does Ibogaine Affect the Brain?


Ibogaine is an African plant used as an antidote for addiction by blocking reward centers in the brain and decreasing cravings and withdrawal symptoms for alcoholics and opioid addicts. How to buy ibogaine.

Scientists from UCSF’s Ernest Gallo Clinic and Research Center have discovered that Ibogaine can reduce alcohol consumption in rats by increasing levels of GDNF protein in their brains, an important discovery that provides a roadmap to create drugs with similar anti-addiction effects without as many side effects.

The Reward Center

Ibogaine is a psychoactive alkaloid extracted from African plants, including Tabernanthe iboga. For years, it has been advocated by clinicians and drug treatment advocates due to its ability to reverse withdrawal symptoms and craving for multiple substances.

Ibogaine can produce profound emotional clarity and introspection, helping people see how their addiction hurt themselves and those close to them.

Ibogaine’s anti-addictive properties have been linked to its effects on reward neurocircuitry. For instance, it reduces alcohol preference and relapse among rodents through upregulating GDNF levels in the ventral tegmental area (VTA), an area vital to reward-related behavior and involved with processing dopamine in the brain. Furthermore, Ibogaine can increase baseline availability of both dopamine transporter (DAT) and serotonin 5-HT transporter (SERT), leading to long-lasting increases in serotonin levels that may explain its therapeutic effects against alcoholism and drug dependence.

The Serotonin Transporter

Ibogaine works to restore the brain to a pre-addictive state and ease withdrawal symptoms, according to scientists. This process occurs by activating dopamine and serotonin circuits and stimulating new cell growth (2), blocking NMDA receptors, and decreasing the activity of N-acetylcholine receptors (3).

Studies conducted on behavioral subjects using Ibogaine have demonstrated its efficacy at significantly reducing alcohol consumption over a sustained period, helping prevent relapse – when people return to drug use after an abstinence period – months or years later.

Ibogaine interacts with several brain proteins associated with addiction, including the NMDA, kappa opioid receptors, and serotonin transporter. In addition, Noribogaine’s active metabolite has also been discovered to block dopamine reuptake in rat striatal tissue and decrease the stimulation-evoked release of 3H-dopamine from this cell (Glick et al. 1996b). Ibogaine may also bind with sigma-2 and nicotinic receptors, but its antagonist effects appear more potent in mediating its anti-addictive effects in rats (Glick et al. 1996a).

The Amygdala

The amygdala is an integral component of the limbic system in our temporal lobes and plays a significant role in processing fear and other emotions, including joy. When exposed to stressful stimuli, such as exposure to loud noise or other forms of stimulation, the amygdala first processes it before being sent to other more rational parts of the brain for processing; consequently, we often react by initiating our “fight or flight” response with a fast heartbeat, sweaty palms, goosebumps on the skin, and dilated pupils – giving way to rapid heartbeat, sweaty palms, goosebumps on the skin surface, etc.

Studies demonstrate that both Ibogaine and its O-desmethyl metabolite noribogaine are effective at blocking NMDA receptors in the amygdala. Blocking of these receptors reduces brain sensitivity to stimuli such as pain, anxiety, and depression; additionally, noribogaine has similar effects on this receptor as Ibogaine which may explain why noribogaine can reverse morphine tolerance and curb cravings more efficiently than its parent drug, Ibogaine does. Furthermore, both appear to stimulate the production of neurotrophic growth factors, including BDNF and NGF, that help form new neurons in areas of the adult brain that still contain stem cells; furthermore.

The Hippocampus

The Hippocampus is an elongated, convex structure located within the bottom temporal lobe of your brain’s temporal region. Also referred to as Cornu Ammonis or “the Horn of Ammon,” its prominence can be found here.

Its shape resembles a seahorse, hence its common nickname of seahorse brain. The hippocampal function includes human learning and memory storage.

Pyramidal cells in the hippocampus use pyramidal dendrites (cells that send out long dendrites) to generate cognitive maps – mental representations of locations within an environment – for spatial memory and episodic and semantic memories related to events. The hippocampus also plays a crucial role in episodic memory and episodic and semantic memories of events.

Ibogaine works by increasing GDNF, Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF), and Nerve Growth Factor (NGF), chemicals with neuroprotective and remodeling effects that play an integral part in why Ibogaine works so effectively in treating drug addictions. MINDCURE has developed technology to advance psychedelic-related treatments and synthesize Ibogaine for use in preclinical and clinical trials.

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