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Advertising Accord: Power of Cinema Advertising


Introduction Cinema advertising can be defined as the pre-show ads that are presented to a cinema audience before the main movie begins. It can help brands reach and communicate with a highly engaged and captivated audience. Many studies have shown that the cinema audience is more receptive to brand messaging than other audiences.

The very viewing experience in a cinema setting is vastly different from watching a movie at home on tv. The lighting, screen size, and sound system provide a higher quality and more memorable viewing experience impacting how the audience perceives the advertisements being shown.

FAME Research Study According to the FAME Research study; people actually enjoy watching ads in the cinema instead of on tv, the credibility of ads shown on cinema is also perceived higher by certain audiences. This study also found the cinema audience were less distracted and remembered the cinema ads better than ads that they would watch on tv.

Overall ads and trailers were considered to be important elements of the movie-going experience.
Big Brands and Cinema AdvertisingMore brands seem to be acknowledging cinema as an effective medium for advertising, this can be seen with brands such as Nike, Red Bull, and Friskies cat food specifically creating advertisements for the purpose of being shown on cinema screens.

On average a quarter of audiences are seated 16 minutes before the movie starts, this number jumps ten minutes before the movie starts to 50%. These figures can help brands understand the value of each ad slot and choose one that is presented to the highest number of people, hence provides the most value. While some cinema advertising strategies can be blatantly recognized, others are more subtle. It should be noted that cinema advertising starts even before the consumer enters the auditorium with posters in the cinema lobby and concessions sometimes having branded packaging.

Advertising Accord Upgrade your cinema advertising process with Advertising Accord, Unique X’s state-of-the-art cinema advertising management software solution. Advertising Accord helps brands take full advantage of the power of cinema advertising by providing delivery optimization, dynamic scheduling and inventory management, and monetization.

Key Features:

Customizable for your specific business needs

AI scheduling to create the most profitable playlists

Fully integrated with any Theatre Management System vendor

Automated workflow so your business needs fewer manual processes

All year round support from our in-house experts

Learn More About Advertising Accord Here

About Unique X Unique X is a brand for the future of digital cinema, providing intelligent autonomous solutions and content services. Unique X operates in 80 countries globally and specializes in delivering innovative cinema software. To date, more than 200 million GB of data have been transferred, and over 300 million advertising playlists have been delivered.

Cinema solutions include RosettaBridge TMS (Theatre Management System), RosettaNet Circuit Management System, Movie Transit (Digital Cinema Package Content Delivery Network), Basekey (KDM management), RosettaPOS (Point of Sale), RosettaLive (Event Streaming), and our suite of sophisticated pre-show products of Advertising Accord, AdTransit, and SmartTrailering.


Owczarski, K., 2013. Come Early and Enjoy the (Pre-)Show: Screenvision and the Growth of Cinema Advertising. Quarterly Review of Film and Video, 31(2), pp.148-160.

Frison, S., Dekimpe, M., Croux, C. and De Maeyer, P., 2014. Billboard and cinema advertising: Missed opportunity or spoiled arms?. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 31(4), pp.425-433.

Yuan, S., 2017. An investigation of the influence of cinema environment on advertising effectiveness. International Journal of Advertising, 37(4), pp.591-608.

AdWords. 2018. Research Shows that Cinema Goers Value Advertising. [online] Available at: n.d. What we know about cinema advertising | WARC. [online] Available at: