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Black Pagoda Lipstick Plant


Black pagoda lipstick plants thrive indoors with bright indirect lighting and well-draining soil. They may benefit from regular fertilization when their growth spurt begins in spring and summer.

Use a chopstick to test the soil moisture: when you insert it, if it emerges with no soil adhering to it or dry spots on it, that indicates your plant requires additional watering.


Lipstick plants make great houseplants because they thrive indoors while remaining non-toxic to pets and humans. Plus, propagation from cuttings is relatively straightforward! A black pagoda lipstick plant (Aeschynanthus radicans) may initially appear scruffy but, with proper care, can flourish into an eye-catching container specimen.

Black Pagoda Lipstick plants can be propagated using air layering, which involves selecting a low-growing branch and cutting a small opening on its underside to expose the underlying tissue. Once cut, this branch is wrapped with moist sphagnum moss before being covered in clear plastic wrap until roots start growing from this tissue within. At that time, they will be visible through plastic and ready to be separated from their parent plant.

Once new roots are established, the lipstick plant should be transferred to a unique pot and planted at its original depth in its parent plant. This will ensure its root system doesn’t become overcrowded while helping the plant flourish in its new home. Until its new divisions become fully established, keep this plant under indirect bright lighting away from drafty areas or heat vents.

Black pagoda lipstick plants can be propagated through division and replanting, creating additional plants. You may replant into smaller or larger pots using fresh potting soil; when doing this, it is recommended to use a sterile knife to separate divisions while keeping all roots intact when replanting them.

Black pagoda lipstick plants require plenty of moisture but do not do well with overwatering. For optimal results, allow the soil to completely dry out before watering again – you can check this by poking a chopstick into it; if it comes out untracked, moisten the plant immediately!

Regular pruning is also beneficial in encouraging bushier growth and increasing flowering and should be performed after your plant finishes blooming in spring. Sharp scissors or snips should be used to cut away dead foliage, remove any straggly stems, and promote branching.


Black pagoda lipstick plants can quickly become unruly without proper pruning. To promote bushier growth, prune your plant after it has finished flowering in spring or summer with sharp scissors; use spent blooms as well as any dead stems or branches that stick out straggly branches with these sharp pruning shears to prune away spent flowers dead stems or any straggly branches that emerge during this process. They’re also quite forgiving to light pruning and can even be cut back to just inches high, providing optimal conditions such as light and humidity will ensure optimal growth for all.

Aeschynanthus ‘Black Pagoda’ thrives best in indirect sunlight and should be placed near a curtained south-facing window for optimum growth. Drafty areas or hot or cool spots should be avoided to protect their leaves from wilting. While low humidity levels are preferred, 50-60% humidity levels should also suffice – using either a humidity meter, pebble tray filled with water, or misting can help monitor this environment effectively.

These plants can also be grown in hanging containers and baskets and propagated from cuttings with minimal care required. Rooting hormones should ideally be applied before transplanting cuttings into the soil; however, seedling or cloning hormones will work just as effectively for growing new plants from these cuttings.

Once established, lipstick plants should be watered with distilled, filtered, or rainwater only; tap or well water containing salt can scald the plants and cause leaf curling.

If you’re wondering whether your plant requires water, do this simple test: Bend an older, mature leaf gently – if it turns enough that its tip touches the stem, then your plant is likely in need of some fresh liquid!

Healthy lipstick plants rarely experience houseplant pests, but watch for green aphids, thrips, mealybugs, and spider mites. Root rot, powdery mildew, and botrytis blight may also threaten these tropical plants. Applying neem oil once or twice annually may protect many of these pests while simultaneously treating any fungal diseases that might surface. This application also stimulates new foliage growth! Taking steps such as this application is likely to help ensure healthy lips and plants remain protected!


Like many houseplants, black pagoda lipstick plants thrive best under warm and bright indirect lighting conditions. Unlike many houseplants, however, epiphytes don’t require high humidity levels in their environment to thrive; rather they thrive best with a rich soilless mix with good water retention capabilities like orchid bark, and stone mixed in with gardening soil, perlite, or worm castings for an excellent combination that provides ample water storage capacity for their roots.

Aeschynanthus radicans, commonly known as the Black Pagoda Lipstick Plant or Lipstick Vine, is an elegant tropical houseplant with sharply pointed leaves and vibrant clusters of red flowers resembling lipstick tubes on its flower stems. One of the easiest houseplants to grow, this tropical houseplant is an eye-catching addition to garden landscapes.

Lipstick plants may not be susceptible to pests and fungi infestation, but they still face threats such as root rot, powdery mildew, leaf spot, botrytis blight, frost damage, and nutrient imbalances. To combat these issues, regularly repot your plant, moisten its growing medium, provide moderate to bright indirect sunlight exposure, and monitor for signs of infestations or disease.

Black pagoda lipstick plants prefer a loose, chunky potting mix that contains 50% vermiculite or perlite and 50% regular potting soil, along with compost or organic matter for moisture retention and root development. Distilled, filtered, or rainwater is preferred when watering these plants to maintain optimal plant health.

As soon as your growing medium dries out, use a pair of sterile pruning shears to clip any protrusions of roots that protrude. Repot your plant into a larger container using your favorite soilless growing medium and leave about one-third of the space vacant before filling the pot.

Aeschynanthus radicans proliferates during spring and summer and should be fertilized monthly using a complete houseplant fertilizer. Fertilize less frequently during the winter.


The Black Pagoda Lipstick Plant (Aeschynanthus radicans) is an exquisite houseplant that thrives as an epiphyte in a soilless medium or hanging basket. However, regular potting soil may also work – it drains well and remains light and porous. An aroid mixture would be best, but you could also create your own using two store-bought potting soil, one part perlite, and one part pine bark as ingredients for growing conditions suitable for this plant!

Black Pagoda lipstick plants thrive in bright indirect light but require warmth without too much moisture. If your plants are having difficulty growing, check their soil for watering and nutrient imbalances; direct sunlight may burn their leaves, causing further issues with growth.

Overwatering lipstick plants is a severe threat that can result in leaf drop, fungal growth, root rot, and fungal diseases. Always ensure proper soil moisture levels before watering your plant – whether using a moisture meter, sticking your finger into the soil, or feeling the weight of its pot – always ensure the top 2-inches of soil remain dry before adding water. Also, reduce winter frequency to simulate plants’ natural dormancy states.

Maintaining fertile conditions for lipstick plants throughout spring and summer can encourage new foliage growth and flowering. A balanced granular fertilizer or diluted liquid option, like fish emulsion, should be applied every other week or so; alternatively, add compost tea as a source of additional nutrients and organic matter during this timeframe.

Repotting Black Pagoda lipstick plants too frequently may shock them and lead to root rot, so move them only into containers one size larger when severely pot-bound. If there are protrusions from the bottom of their pot with bows from them, trim back these roots for better branching reshaping, as this will prevent overcrowding and blocking sunlight for other plants. When pruning this species use sharp pruning shears or micro snips to remove dead flowers and any wilted leaves as this will prevent overcrowding by your Black Pagoda lipstick plant.