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Tips For Buying a Sailing Boat


When buying a sailing boat, there are many options to choose from. A catamaran or a monohull are popular options, but which is best for you? A cat is the epitome of comfort, but a sizeable 20-foot beam makes docking difficult in some areas. Keelboats are easier to dock, but they also force sailors to the leeward rail during minor chops. If you’re new to sailing, there are many tips for buying a boat. Tips For Buying a Sailing Boat.

Before you start looking, determine your budget and needs. Try narrowing your selection to a few different boat models and years. Make a detailed list of items you need on your boat. Do some retail research to see what you can find for the price. Do not be shy to bargain. For example, if you’d like to purchase flares, find out how much they cost at the local sailboat store. Then, add up the total cost of the sailboat.

The size of the sailboat you choose depends on your cruising plans. Bluewater sailing requires unique qualities. Chesapeake Bay sailors need shallow draft sailboats. Write down the sailboat specifications you’re considering and ask an expert to advise you. After all, there’s no need to compromise on quality just because the boat’s price is low. And don’t forget to consider the size of the sailboat.

Consider your future needs. Are you likely to sail your boat alone? Are you planning to have a family? What will happen if you can’t find anyone to help you? Think about your job prospects, kids’ plans, and health concerns. Boats tend to stick around for quite a while – unlike people. Therefore, it’s vital to think ahead to see how your boat will change as you grow.

You can start with the sails. Check them for good shape and whether they are clean or stained. Sails should be in good condition without deep scratches and rust. If there are any leaks, you should know where to start repairing them before purchasing the boat. If there are any stains or tears in the sails, you should get a background history of the standing rigging. Feel for loose wires or cracks and ensure the rigging has been adequately maintained.

Consider your lifestyle. Sailing isn’t as complicated as it sounds. A smaller sailing boat may be ideal if you plan to sail alone. They’re easier to handle and tend to cost less upfront. They may also fit in marinas where larger vessels cannot. Ultimately, you’ll get a better sense of freedom by choosing a smaller boat. So, when choosing a boat, consider what you need.

Make sure the sailing boat has been cared for. If the fiberglass is in good condition, it’s likely been well maintained. Otherwise, minor leaks can cause severe damage to the boat. If there are cracks or bare fiberglass on the deck, you might want to skip this type of sailboat altogether. They can cost a lot of money to repair. If you are looking for a cruising sailboat, check the running rigging.