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Shoulder Car Accident Exercises


Shoulders are used as emergency stopping lanes on roadways. They’re usually paved and have multiple purposes.

CARs provide excellent value-for-your-movement dollar by engaging every major joint through its maximum rotational range while training dynamic stabilizing muscles to function at this outer limit. Over time, this improves movement quality while decreasing injuries!

Controlled Articular Rotation

Controlled Articular rotations, or CARs, are essential mobility exercises that can increase and sustain movement capabilities. CARs differ from most mobility exercises in that they focus on stretching tissue to increase the range of motion; instead, they involve working within the end-range of joints to develop new movement patterns using neuromuscular control. CAR shoulder movements target shoulder joints but can also be applied to other joints. A CAR shoulder drill typically begins by kneeling in a tall position and stabilizing by squeezing the opposite fist, depressing the shoulder girdle, bracing the abs, and pressing the glutes simultaneously. This movement involves circularly flexing one limb, moving it away and back toward the body to increase shoulder rotational range. Exercise is performed slowly, controlled, tensioned, and isolated throughout the pattern to raise proprioceptive and kinesthetic awareness and train dynamic stabilizing muscles to function at a full range of motion.

These movements also fill the joint with synovial fluid, which acts as a lubricant and helps facilitate movement by minimizing friction between cartilage and bone. Without adequate lubrication, a joint could become dry and stiff over time, limiting movement capacity and increasing the risk of injury.

“Use it or lose it” is an axiom regarding movement; this applies firmly to mobility exercises like CARs. Therefore, practicing them regularly is crucial if we want our mobility back.

Mobility is critical in maintaining healthy articular cartilage and avoiding mature fibrotic tissue formation that leads to pain, decreased strength, and joint degeneration. If you want to stay competitive in the gym while keeping your joints fit for life, make mobility a top priority!

Whether dealing with an injury or not, the ideal time and place for shoulder cars and other cars to be used in pre-workout warm-up sessions is first thing in the morning as part of pre-workout warm-up exercises. Not only will they help improve movement quality, but they can also help prevent injuries while aiding you to perform stronger lifts and more effective movements during training sessions.

Crab Stretch

The crab stretch is a practical shoulder mobility movement used by yoga-inspired practices to open your anterior deltoid muscle and is an invaluable component of post-gym shoulder mobility routines. Begin by sitting on the ground with bent knees and feet flat on the floor hip-width apart; place palms pointing outward; move legs and arms simultaneously, starting with right foot forward followed by left hand forward until back into starting position – repeat this cycle 15 times for optimal results.

Crab walk can provide a fantastic workout for your hips, shoulders, and wrists while simultaneously increasing core stability – so including it as part of your shoulder training regime will only prove beneficial to all involved.

Shoulder extension can often be neglected in favor of chest/front shoulder flexion exercises, yet to maintain healthy shoulders; it’s necessary for both. Most people tend to favor a more extended posture when moving their shoulders overhead in a manner that causes compression at the front joint of their shoulder joint, leading to discomfort and possibly difficulty or pain when undertaking this type of workout.

Crab Walking not only addresses shoulder girdle mobility and stabilization, but it will also challenge your balance and coordination. This is particularly evident if you progress to advanced positions such as crab walking face down, whereby your upper body tilts toward the floor while your head drops towards it. Pair this movement with animal flow movements such as Ape Reach, Scorpion Reach, or Loaded Beast Unload for an intense full-body shoulder-focused workout!

Banded Shoulder Rotation

Shoulder rotation exercises can help strengthen and protect this complex joint by targeting its many small stabilizing muscles to keep it strong, healthy, and pain-free. Add band resistance for extra resistance for an enhanced workout!

One standard error people make when performing this movement is pulling apart the band too far, causing their lower arm and shoulder girdle to move in an upward diagonal direction, stressing their muscles isometrically rather than going through eccentric and concentric phases as desired. Instead, grab it slightly wider than shoulder width with palms facing down while rotating your shoulders both internally (internal rotation) and externally (external rotation).

Perform the movement slowly to reach a point where both upper arms parallel the floor at midrange of your range. Once at this point, hold for 2-3 seconds before resisting the band and pull back into the starting point – repeat the process for the opposite arm until all 8-10 reps per side have been completed. This exercise targets the rotator cuff muscle and should be included in any shoulder workout program or tendonitis prevention by strengthening it without using momentum.

Single-Arm Shoulder CAR

Shoulder injuries often stem from soft tissue tears or strains sustained during car accidents. This includes whiplash injuries as well as rotator cuff tears caused by rapid shoulder movement in head-on or rear-end collisions, for instance.

Researchers conducted experiments with a driving simulator and musculoskeletal model to understand better how shoulder car movements influence muscle forces, using inputs such as driving kinematics and external pressures from the driving simulator, as well as EMG measurements of upper limb muscle and joint outputs from EMG probes.

As part of a shoulder car exercise, take an upright and balanced stance and lift one arm straight toward your chest with its palm facing in. Repeat this movement, focusing on controlling the movement throughout its range before switching arms.