Categories: Education

How Much Do Surrogates Make?

If you are considering becoming a surrogate, you must understand all costs involved. Surrogates receive compensation for gestation-related expenses, such as base compensation, miscellaneous fees, and insurance.

These additional payments and reimbursements include medication start fees, invasive procedure fees, maternity clothes allowance, travel expenses, lost wages compensation, monthly housekeeping services, and child care fees.

Base Compensation

Surrogacy is a noble act that demands immense time, physical energy, and emotional commitment from surrogates, so it’s natural for them to want compensation that matches the effort put forth – but compensation should not be the driving factor behind their decision to become pregnant for another family. You should consider various factors to understand what kind of compensation to expect as a surrogate.

Base compensation should be the initial factor to consider when considering surrogacy arrangements, which refers to the cash payment a surrogate receives in exchange for carrying and delivering a baby on behalf of the intended parents. Its amount depends on factors like her intended parents’ ages and needs and her location, insurance coverage status, experience level, or fertility status of surrogates.

Surrogates typically receive additional compensation in addition to their base compensation for other medical procedures that may arise during gestation, such as C-section (an average of $2,500), multiples (an average of $5,000), CVS/D&C and Selective Reduction procedures (an average of $1,000 each), as well as any invasive procedures like CVS, D&C, Selective Reduction procedures (typically $100-200 each), as well as for having undergone hysterectomy ($5,000).

Other expenses covered by base compensation for surrogates who are employed include loss of wages (up to $10,000 if she is), missed work during screening appointments, transfers, and doctor’s appointments, as well as missed work during screening appointments, transfers, and doctor’s appointments; loss of maternity clothes allowance as well as monthly miscellaneous expense allowance; most surrogates will also receive reimbursement for travel costs associated with meeting her intended parents or attending fertility clinic visits.

Additional expenses that should be included in a surrogate’s compensation worksheet include starting medication fees, invasive procedure fees, clothing allowance, and even housekeeper payments. All these additional fees will typically be discussed and agreed upon during screening before being included in their contract with their Intended Parents. Naturally speaking, more experienced surrogates tend to earn higher base compensation due to having had more experience dealing with all aspects of gestation.

Miscellaneous Expenses

Surrogates should consider additional expenses beyond their base compensation when becoming surrogates, including medication start fees, invasive procedure allowances, maternity clothes allowances,s, and monthly miscellaneous expense allowances. Intended Parents typically cover any lost wages for spouses of surrogates and daycare costs.

Additional incentives may also be provided to surrogates for their services, such as gifts or wellness packages that will make pregnancy a little more pleasurable and ease her journey.

Surrogates who travel for medical appointments will be reimbursed for mileage, food, and a living allowance to cover housing costs. In case she becomes pregnant with multiples, Intended Parents will cover any additional travel costs, such as doctor’s visits or ultrasounds that arise, and provide her with a higher surrogacy compensation package to reflect this extra workload.

Surrogates typically make between $32-37K per singleton pregnancy. While this amount can differ based on geography and insurance status, experienced surrogates and those who have carried multiples usually command higher pay than their less professional peers.

Being a surrogate offers more than financial benefits; many surrogates find the experience transformative and rewarding, helping others build families while having children through surrogacy. Although surrogacy’s emotional and physical demands can take their toll, total compensation must be provided in return.

As you research how much surrogates make, be wary of agencies offering high rates without outlining all fees involved. At American Surrogacy, we always remain transparent regarding costs associated with surrogacy. Hence, gestational carriers know they are fairly compensated for their hard work and dedication – we offer competitive surrogate pay. We are happy to discuss a cost breakdown specific to their case.

Loss of Wages

Surrogates dedicate significant amounts of their time, energy, and physical resources to their surrogacy journeys – and deserve compensation. Becoming a surrogate can be a substantial financial decision; many women wonder what surrogate compensation will look like depending on how far along their pregnancies are and whether or not they will carry multiples. Surrogate compensation depends on several variables, including gestational progress and whether multiple gestational carriers exist.

A good surrogacy agency will be upfront about costs and compensation packages offered to their surrogates and willing to answer any queries they might have regarding how the contract might impact her life.

Likewise, if intended parents choose to set up and fund a surrogate escrow account through an agency, funds from it will be dispersed directly to her as needed during her pregnancy; additionally, it can also be used to pay any legal or fertility clinic fees or expenses related to surrogacy-related costs.

Another factor affecting surrogates’ compensation is their gestational stage and medical history. A gestational carrier without health issues or previous pregnancies with complications will likely make less.

Surrogates often encounter medical complications during their surrogacy journey that necessitate taking time away from their job, often for doctors’ orders, or due to unexpected complications that reduce monthly earnings potential and leave them struggling to cover expenses. A good agency will have plans to address these concerns with the intended parents while offering flexible contract terms. Hence, the surrogate is not financially devastated by these unexpected issues.

At its core, surrogacy compensation will depend on her circumstances; however, first-time surrogates usually expect to make between $32-37,000, including base compensation plus benefits and expenses; experienced surrogates in certain regions typically earn more. Surrogates also receive payments for expenses like maternity clothes, transportation, and lost wages, as well as reimbursement of insurance premiums, with some intended parents even covering them under a “surrogacy friendly” health policy for their surrogate mother.


Surrogates will receive payments to cover expenses such as maternity clothes, transportation costs, and any lost wages; medical and child care expenses during gestation; as well as being offered an individual health insurance policy paid for by intended parents; this in addition to any pre-pregnancy coverage available through their employer or private health plan.

Costs will depend on both intended parent needs and location; usually experienced surrogates receive higher compensation than novice ones; surrogates who live in states known to be supportive of surrogacy will likely get a more extensive base compensation package than others.

Suppose the surrogate already has private health insurance covering her pregnancy. In that case, her intended parents will cover any premiums required by American Surrogacy’s experts in insurance to cover unexpected expenses that arise in their journey with American Surrogacy.

United States health insurance policies fall into three broad categories: government (Medicare and Medicaid), employer-based plans, and individual market policies. Most surrogates receive coverage through their employment or via a personal market policy specifically suited for pregnancies; most don’t qualify for one of the public plans, as only elderly and low-income individuals qualify.

As the pregnancy advances, surrogates will receive additional payments to cover costs associated with Cesarean sections and other medical procedures. These extra payments come on top of their base compensation package and miscellaneous expenses and any allowances included within it – this amount can range anywhere between $5,000 to over $15,000. Payments will be distributed monthly until delivery occurs, and afterward, additional compensation will be offered so she can resume her everyday life.


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