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Escargot and Butter

Escargot sold in grocery stores is made up of shellless snail meats encased in garlic herb butter and offers high protein, low-fat content.

According to legend, Talleyrand created this dish in order to win over Tsar Nicholas II of Russia. When his taste buds appreciated its flavors and beauty, the word quickly became an indispensable feature on French menus.

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Snails are one of the world’s most versatile organisms and can be found almost everywhere on Earth – oceans, rivers, lakes, forests, deserts, and botanical gardens alike. Snails employ diverse feeding strategies depending on their species; some can be herbivorous while others are predatory or parasitic; most have rows of tiny teeth, and a rough tongue called a radula for eating food.

Snail Escargot is a delectable combination of snails, butter, garlic, and herbs served on crusty bread. The name comes from French for snail and, while challenging for English speakers to pronounce correctly, should sound something like Eh-skaar Gow.

While it may seem unusual, humans have long enjoyed eating snails – the world-famous snails known in French cuisine as Escargot de Bourguignonne or African land snails. Achatina Fulica are among the most frequently eaten snails. Both species offer mild taste soft texture, and are packed full of nutrients – commonly consumed varieties are Helix pomatia, known in French cuisine as Escargot de Bourguignonne, or African land snail Achatina Fulica.

For an authentic serving of escargot, the first step should be purging snails of any remnants in their gut. This can be achieved by placing the snails in a container with damp sphagnum moss or sponge. After some days have passed, they can then be given nutritious foods like lettuce, apples, or flour as a replacement meal and are finally ready to be cooked!

Preparing an exquisite dish of escargot takes some effort but is well worth your while. Perfect for romantic dinners and making with children.

Snails are enjoyed around the globe. In Cameroon, Ghana, and Nigeria, they are commonly known as bilola or buzio cabra; in Equatorial Guinea, they’re called kula. Andorra, France, Italy, Spain, and Portugal are all eating them too, as are Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, and Egypt on both sides of the Mediterranean Sea; snails also make an appearance in Malta, where they’re called bebbux (bee-hoods), simmered with red wine using basil marjoram oregano herbs.


Butter is an indispensable spread for sandwiches, an irresistibly creamy layer on scones, and an essential component in many desserts – not to mention being used in many cooking recipes as an ingredient! Butter is produced by churning milk or cream to separate fat globules from buttermilk – usually pasteurized to kill any pathogenic microbes – although home chefs occasionally employ traditional techniques known as “churning” when creating their homemade butter from raw, unpasteurized milk sources.

No matter the popularity of margarine, which typically contains vegetable oil instead of dairy fat, nothing compares to the taste or texture of real butter. Therefore, it is vital to read over the ingredients list on any package of margarine to compare it with that of real butter, which typically contains milk/cream and salt as ingredients.

Butter’s flavor is determined by its unique combination of fatty acids, including palmitic, oleic, myristic, and stearic acids, lactones, methyl ketones, and diacetyl, which contribute to its aroma and flavor. Butter also provides vitamins A, D, and K along with calcium, phosphorus, and potassium – it may increase heart disease risk but should still be used moderately.

Butter can be combined with other ingredients to form compound butter, a popular addition to restaurant menus and home dining tables alike. Butter and lemon is an iconic pairing; adding additional savory or sweet ingredients gives your butter dishes more depth and complexity.

Add garlic and herb compound butter to elevate escargo even further. Mix garlic and herbs into softened butter before shaping it into a cylindrical “cigar” shape wrapped with parchment paper for cooling before cutting it to slice before placing on top of steaks, other main courses, sauces, or grilling meats just prior to serving.


Garlic, native to Central Asia and renowned for its medicinal qualities since ancient times, has long been prized for its distinctive flavor and therapeutic benefits. Garlic can be used to treat bronchitis, high blood pressure, TB (tuberculosis), liver disorders, digestive problems, colic, intestinal worms, and as a deodorant, while its sulfur compounds – specifically diallyl disulfide and s-allyl cysteine – may offer antimicrobial, antifungal and antiviral activity; one study published in 2016 showed how aged garlic extract (AGE) could boost immune systems by helping prevent colds/flu from occurring or shortening their duration by nearly 50%!

Garlic grows from a bulb covered with papery skin and contains up to 20 edible cloves belonging to the Allium family, like onions, leeks, scallions, chives, and Welsh onions. In Iran, it forms one of seven items placed on a Haft-sin table during the Nowruz celebrations (Persian calendar New Year).

Evidence exists showing garlic can reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and heart disease by helping to lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels while providing antioxidant properties. Furthermore, garlic may have anticancer effects; its component, Ajoene, was shown to induce apoptosis in leukemic cells while inhibiting cancerous cell lines’ growth; in addition, Ajoene has also been found to inhibit histone deacetylase activity while increasing detoxification enzyme activity as well as decreasing pro-tumor protein expression levels found within human colon cancer cells.

Nutrition-wise, 100 grams of raw garlic provides an average source of Vitamin C, B6, and manganese and is an excellent source of calcium, iron, and phosphorus. Before using garlic cloves for cooking or other purposes, their papery skin must first be removed; a straightforward way is by pressing down gently with the flat side of a knife until it loosens enough to peel away easily.


Herbs are green leafy plants commonly used as seasoning and flavoring agents in cooking. Herbs also boast many healthful benefits that help promote overall wellness by way of antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial compounds that support health while fighting disease; some even possess medicinal properties! You can use herbs, fresh or dry, and often include them as part of a recipe as they add flavor, color, or aroma; they’re delicious in salads and soups or as garnish for meat dishes or garnish.

Basil, chives, cilantro (coriander), dill weed, mint, oregano, parsley rosemary, and sage are among the most frequently used culinary herbs. Other varieties, such as thyme clover and Syzygium aromaticum (cloves), may also be utilized as medicinal or ceremonial herbs and can be found in tea oils or supplements.

Culinary herbs can be quickly grown in pots, gardens, or the ground. They can also be purchased from stores or online. When adding culinary herbs to dishes, adding them is an easy way to enhance their flavor without increasing fat or salt intake. When possible, fresh is best as their taste can quickly fade with time – dried whole herbs tend to have stronger scents than loose leaves.

Many herbs contain high antioxidant levels that are great for heart health, providing vitamin C. They may even help to reduce low-density lipoproteins or “bad” cholesterol, helping you make delicious dishes like sauces, soups, and stews, meat dishes, salads, fish dishes, vegetable sides, and desserts!

To successfully cultivate herbs, select a sunny location with well-draining soil. Water the herbs regularly enough so the soil stays moist without drying out between watering sessions; overwatering can damage roots and lead to rot; mulch helps even soil temperatures, discourage weeds, retain moisture levels, and maintain humidity; this layer may benefit herbs that are sensitive to excessive moisture.


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